
art x planning

 Bringing artists and creative approaches into the production of policy

These commissioned projects are part of ongoing work to explore the role artists can play in the production of policy, both as a way to shape and influence, but also to communicate and involve others. 
Deconstructed Disco ︎ Hanna Benihoud Studio, 2022
Sounds of the Borough ︎ Publica, 2022
Darkenss in Urban Spaces ︎ Kim Coleman and Harun Morrison, 2023-24

Deconstrcuted Disco photography by Tim Jobling

Hanna said:
“I was drawn to this project because it gave me the opportunity to use public art in a new way. I think a lot about engagement and how you even get the attention of people. Creating moments of surprise and intrigue I think is a really powerful tool to get to people who would never usually engage with the planning process.”